The Love of God Ministries is a non-profitable Christian Charitable Trust established in 1995. It has been registered under the Indian Trust Act as 38/2016 and it operates interdenominationally working together with all the Christian Ministries. The main motive of the Trust is changing lives by touching hearts to help the poor and needy and to build prayer houses for the glory of God and to save perishing souls and to reach the unreached areas with the Love of Jesus.

The Love of God ministry is dedicated to improving the lives of neglected children in the remote communities all over India. It has been our experience that humanitarian relief seldom reaches the distant areas and village members, at some time they are the ones who need it most. The Love of God goes out to all ethnic groups especially focusing on churches, orphans, abandoned children and families in the remote areas of India. Moving the people toward the new vision, enabling them with the skills and resources for a brighter future. For us every individual counts whether in an area of great media coverage or not. We believe in being part of the Love of God family. 

Through experience planning and careful research, we identify areas where change can be made through a little sacrifice and great vision. We visit these areas and access the local needs and we work with the people and other volunteers to build a more sustainable life and future by providing necessary skills training, education and the required facilities.

Dear Friends in Christ, please pray for the below ministries in your daily prayers. We have limited resources in our ministry. We have been in this ministry for 25 years by faith. We have seen and tasted many signs, wonders and God’s miracles in my pastoral ministry. All these activities in God’s work has been done by faithful offerings, freewill offerings, donations and tithes of believers. So please pray for us in your daily prayers. May God richly bless you. AMEN